Scientific Conferences

attended by members of the institute


Comparison of two Cases of Uranium Contamination  – Similarities of Symptomatology of a Contaminated Nuclear Facility Worker and Ammunitions Clean-up Worker

Klimaschewski, F.

CBRNe Science and Consequence Management World Congress, Cavtat, Croatia, 10.2023





The inhalational effects of uranium contamination on the human body have been scientifically studied and documented for decades and yet are the subject of widespread dispute in the media. Typical reported symptoms of uranium-contaminated subjects are fatigue, muscle and joint pain, headaches, neuropsychiatric disorders, confusion, visual disturbances, memory loss, breathing disorders, impotence, morphological and functional changes in the urinary tract and cancer, to name but a few. The comparison of the two cases indicates analogies of severity and complexity of adverse health effects of uranium contamination for professionals working with uranium and civilians in areas affected by radioactive warfare.



Case 1 was made public and received wide media attention in Germany. In 1971, 19-year-old German nuclear worker Michael Weber (S1) was contaminated in the uranium processing facility RBG-Siemens in Hanau, Germany, by the accidental release of uranium dust during the filling of a barrel when the seal burst, which covered his body head to foot in black uranium dust. He was not wearing protective gear to avoid the inhalation of the released contaminant. The reported symptoms were severe shortness of breath (the lungs lost 85% of their function, which made artificial oxygenation necessary), inflammation and physical weakness. The subject passed away after a long and severe illness in September 2003. Case 2: In 2019, the Uranium Medical Research Institute (UMRI) conducted a case study on an ammunition clean-up worker (S2) who had been working a total of 13 days in 2014 and 2015 collecting projectiles from the beaches of the Dutch Islands Vlieland and Terschelling in the North Sea which are being used for military target practice. The work was conducted during severe winds, which led to the inhalation of sand and dust during excavations. This symptomatic subject has also shown multiple health problems, such as shortness of breath, severe reduction of lung function, and physical weakness.



Since the first case had been made public, data could be retrieved from publicly accessible media archives. S1 had been under the supervision of medical doctors. The second subject, S2, had his urine analysed at the Jülich Research Facility in Germany. 



Data on isotopes in the urine of S1 could not be retrieved from public sources. However, radiation measurements detected uranium dust on the subject's clothes. After medical investigations, the occupational health insurance officially accepted uranium contamination as the cause of the illnesses and a total disability pension was granted. The total uranium concentration measured in the 24-hour-urine of the S2 years after exposure was below the mean concentration of uranium urine excretion in Germany, but it does not rule out the possibility of initial contamination of the lung with uranium from uranium-containing weapon systems at the time of exposure. 



Both subjects had been exposed to uranium dust through inhalation. The quantity of intake at time zero cannot be precisely determined but can be estimated. Regardless, in both cases, the subjects' symptoms show similarities and parallels to symptomatic military personnel and civilians exposed to uranium dust in Gulf War I and II and Afghanistan after Operation OEF. Further research is warranted.



Radioactive Warfare – The ISO 14001 Standard as Adequate Guidelines on Environmental Emergency Preparedness and Response for Civilian Organisations and Business Continuity?

Klimaschewski, F.;  Campkin, F.

CBRNe Science and Consequence Management World Congress, Cavtat, Croatia, 10.2023



Crisis Management Performance of Countries during Covid-19 - An Intercultural Comparison and Key Cultural Dimensions in view of Nuclear Emergency Preparedness Education

Klimaschewski, F.; Campkin, F.

24th Nuclear Medical Defence Conference (ConRad), Munich, Germany, 05 2021.



The Quantitative Analysis of Uranium Isotopes in the Urine of an Ammunition Clean-up Worker deployed on Dutch North Sea Islands

Klimaschewski, F.

European Association of Nuclear Medicine (EANM), Barcelona, Spain, 12.-16.10.2019.


Emergency Readiness in the Current Nuclear Age - An Educational Challenge

Klimaschewski, F.; Campkin, F., 23rd Nuclear Medical Defence Conference (ConRad), Munich, Germany, 05 2019.



 Emergency Readiness in the local Community – Developing a Learning Civilian Preparedness Network to Increase the Efficacy of Interagency Disaster Responses

Klimaschewski, F. (invited speaker)

World CBRN & Medical Congress (CEBIRAM), Prague, Czech Republic, 17.-19.10.2018.


Community Resilience - Creating linear-reflective Emergency Preparedness Structures to Increase Adaptive Response Capabilities for Radiological/Nuclear Disasters

Klimaschewski, F.

World Congress on CBRNe Science and Consequence Management (CSCM), Cavtat, Croatia, 03.-06.09.2018.


Forensic Analysis of Inhaled Radioactive Dust in Human Lung Tissue – Quantitative Analysis and Geometric Topology of Isotopes with Micro CT, Electron Microscopy and LA-ICP-MS - A Comparative Methodology Report

Klimaschewski, F.; Duraković, A.

World Congress on CBRNe Science and Consequence Management (CSCM), Cavtat, Croatia, 03.-06.09.2018.



The European Union`s Missing Strategy for Civilian Nuclear/Radiological Emergency Preparedness for Mass Casualties

Klimaschewski, F.

22nd Nuclear Medical Defence Conference (ConRad),

Munich, Germany, 05 2017.


Developing a Methodology to Assess Human Lung Failure due to Uranium Dust Contamination - A Progress Report

Klimaschewski, F. (1); Duraković, A. (2), Tromba, G. (3), Pacilѐ, S. (3), Dreossi, D. (3) , Dullin, C. (4)

(1) Uranium Medical Research Institute, London, UNITED KINGDOM, (2) UMRC, Washington, DC, UNITED STATES, (3) Elettra Synchrotron Light Laboratory, Trieste, ITALY, (4) Dept. Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, University Medical Center Göttingen, GERMANY. 

22nd Nuclear Medical Defence Conference (ConRad), Munich, Germany, 05 2017. 


Clinical Observation, Genomic Bioindication, and Medicolegal Interests in Assessment of Chronic Exposure to Low-Dose Ionizing Radiation in the US FUSRAP Madison Site of the St. Louis District

Duraković, A.; Bell, D. E.

22nd Nuclear Medical Defence Conference (ConRad), Munich, Germany, 05 2017.


Spectrometric Isotope Analysis of Urine and Whole Body of a Child from Tokyo after Exposure to the Radioactive Outfall from Fukushima – A Case Study

Klimaschewski, F.,  Duraković, A.

22nd Nuclear Medical Defence Conference (ConRad), Munich, Germany, 05 2017.




 Depleted Uranium on Radioactive Battlefields - The Risk of Proliferation of Nuclear Materials for Radiological Dispersal Devices (RDDs)

Duraković, A.; Klimaschewski, F.

AMSUS Military Medicine Conference - Federal Health 2016, Washington, USA, 29.11.-02.12.2016


Chromosomal Aberrations in Veterans and Civilian Populations as Bioindicators of Genotoxicity of Actinides

Duraković, A.; Klimaschewski, F.

World Congress on CBRNe Science and Consequence Management (CSCM), Tbilisi, Georgia, 05-06.2016.


Nuclear/Radiological Terrorism - The Urgent Need to Develop a Simple and Effective Civilian Resilience Strategy for Urban Scenarios

Klimaschewski, F.

World Congress on CBRNe Science and Consequence Management (CSCM), Tbilisi, Georgia, 05-06.2016.


Depleted Uranium on Radioactive Battlefields - The Legacy that can Lead to the Uncontrolled Proliferation of Nuclear/Radiological Materials for the RDD Terrorist Scenario

Klimaschewski, F.

World Congress on CBRNe Science and Consequence Management (CSCM), Tbilisi, Georgia, 05-06.2016.




Teaching and Researching Radiation Emergency Preparedness and Response for Schools in the EU

Klimaschewski, F.

21st Nuclear Medical Defence Conference (ConRad), Munich, Germany, 05 2015.


Genetic Aberration Studies in Veterans and Family Members after Exposure to Radioactive Dust from Uranium Containing Weapons used during Operations Iraqi Freedom (OIF), Iraq and Enduring Freedom (EF), Afghanistan

Duraković, A.; Klimaschewski, F.

21st Nuclear Medical Defence Conference (ConRad), Munich, Germany, 05.2015.


Internal Contamination with Actinides and the Medical Effects of Low-Level Radiation: Further Controversy on Depleted Uranium

Duraković, A.

World Congress on CBRNe Science and Consequence Management (CSCM), Zagreb, Croatia, April 12-17 2015.


Balanced Emergency Readiness and Management

Klimaschewski, F.

World Congress on CBRNe Science and Consequence Management (CSCM), Zagreb, Croatia, 04 2015.




Quantitative Measurements of Uranium Isotope 236U in War Zones of Afghanistan

Duraković, A; Klimaschewski, F., Weyman, T.; Zimmerman, I.

European Association of Nuclear Medicine (EANM), Gothenburg, Sweden, 18.-22.10.2014.


Uranium Isotopes Induced Alterations in the Human Genetic Pool as the First Indicator of Contamination after Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF), Gulf War II and Enduring Freedom (OEF),

Duraković, A.; Klimaschewski, F.; Weyman, T.; Zimmerman, I.

European Association of Nuclear Medicine (EANM), Gothenburg, Sweden, 18.-22.10.2014.


Radioactive Warfare through Internal Contamination of Civilian Population and Military Personnel with Uranium Isotopes in the Recent Military Conflicts

Duraković, A.; Klimashewski, F.

World Congress on CBRNe Science and Consequence Management (CSCM), Tbilisi, Georgia, June 1-5.6.2014.




Sustained Controversy of the Internal Contamination with Uranium Isotopes in the Radioactive Warfare in Recent Conflicts in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Gaza

Duraković, Asaf; Klimaschewski, Frank; Weyman, Tedd; Zimmerman, Isaac

20th Nuclear Medical Defence Conference 2013 (ConRad), Munich, Germany, 05.2013.


Balanced Emergency Preparedness - Implementing the Scorecard in Public Management to Develop Community Adaptability for Mass Casualties in Urban and Rural Scenarios of EU in the Light of the Fukushima Nuclear Catastrophe in Japan 2011

Klimaschewski, Frank

20th Nuclear Medical Defence Conference 2013 (ConRad), Munich, Germany, 05 2013.




Global and Medical Consequences of Nuclear Disasters,

Duraković, A.

IMIC, Najaf, Iraq, 2012.



Quantitative Analysis of Four Uranium Isotopes in the Persian Gulf Wars, Afghanistan, and Gaza

Duraković, A.

Moscow Russia, International Conference on Isotopes, ICI7, 2011.




Radioactive Warfare Impact on Civilian Population & Environment of Iraq

Duraković, Asaf; Weyman, T.

Centre for International Studies, Iraq, 2010 (accepted abstract, canceled conference).


Radiochemical and Alpha Spectrometry Analysis of Uranium Isotopes in the Civilians of Gaza

Duraković, Asaf; Weyman, T.

European Association of Nuclear Medicine (EANM), Vienna, Austria, 2010.


The Analysis of Uranium Isotopes in Gaza by Alpha Spectrometry

Duraković, A.; Weyman, T.

South Africa, 2010.


The Quantitative Analysis of Uranium Isotopes in the Civilian Population of Gaza by the Alpha Spectrometry

Duraković, A., Weyman, T.

Phoenix, Arizona, USA, 2010.




Estimate of the TimeZero Lung Burden of Depleted Uranium in the US Military Personnel,

Duraković, A.; Klimaschewski, F.,

Samawah Iraq, 2008.


The Extreme SUV Ranges in 18FFDG PETCT Diagnostic Accuracy of Intrathoracic Neoplastic Disease,

Duraković, A.

European Association of Nuclear Medicine (EANM), 2008.




Emergency Preparedness for the Mass Casualties in Urban Scenarios,

Klimaschewski, F.; Duraković, A.

SSIC, Karachi Pakistan, 2007.


Lessons for Civil Protection in the Terrorist Scenario of Radiological Dispersion Devices,

Duraković, A.; Klimaschewski, F.

European Association of Nuclear Medicine (EANM), Budapest, Hungary, 2007.


The Quantitative Analysis of Uranium Isotopes in the Population of Port Hope

Duraković, A.;  Gerdes, A.; Zimmerman, I.

European Association of Nuclear Medicine (EANM), Budapest, Hungary, 2007.



Quantitative Analysis of Uranium Isotopes in the Civilians of Iraq after Operation Iraqi Freedom

Duraković, A.

International Federation of Environmental Health (IFEH), Dublin, Ireland, 2006.


Quantitative Analysis of Uranium Isotopes in the Water and Soil of Eastern Afghanistan and Iraq

Duraković, A.; Gerdes, A.; Klimaschewski, F.

European Radiation Research Society, ERRS, 2006.


The Analysis of the Uranium Isotopes Abundance and Ratios in the Civilian Population of Eastern Afghanistan,

Duraković, A.

WFNMB, 2006.


The Analysis of Uranium Isotopes Abundance and Ratios in the Civilian Population of Different Regions of Iraq,

Duraković, A.

WFNMB, 2006.


The Role of Hospitals in the Radiation Emergency Planning Strategy of London Boroughs (UK)

Klimaschewski, F.; Duraković, A.

WFNMB, 2006.




Psychological Effects of Radiological Contamination Incorporated into CBRN Anti Terrorism Preparedness Trainings,

Klimaschewski, F.; Duraković, A..

ESRB, 2005.


The Bioassay of Uranium Isotopes in the Civilians of Baghdad and International Research Team Members,

Duraković, A.

Croatian Society of Nuclear Medicine (CSNM), 2005.





Concentration and Ratio of Uranium Isotopes in the FineFraction of Surface Soil from Baghdad and Basra

Duraković, A.

Health Physics Society (HPS), 2004.


Internal Contamination with Uranium Isotopes after Operation Enduring Freedom in the Civilian Population of Jalalabad and Kabul

Duraković, Asaf

AOCNMB, 2004.


Quantitative Analysis of Concentration and Ratios of Uranium Isotopes in the US Military Personnel at Samawah, Iraq

Duraković, A.

ERRS, 2004.


Quantitative Analysis of the Concentration and Ratio of Uranium Isotopes in the US Military Personnel Deployed at Samawah Iraq,

Duraković, A.

ESRB, 2004.


The Urinary Concentration and Ratio of Uranium Isotopes in Civilians of the Bibi Mahro Region

Duraković, A.

IRPA, 2004.


Uranium Isotopes Bioassay in the Civilians of Baghdad and Al Basra after Operation Iraqi Freedom

Duraković, A.; Gerdes, A.; Zimmerman, I.

RSNA, 2004.




Differential Decay Analysis of the Alpha Dose of Depleted Uranium and the Neoplastic Risk in the Lungs of Gulf War Veterans

Duraković, A.

SNM, 2003.


Estimate of Pulmonary Neoplastic Hazard of Inhaled DU in Gulf War Vets

Duraković, A., Dietz, L, Zimmerman, I.

ECCO, Copenhagen, Denmark 2003.


Estimate of Time Zero Lung Burden of DU in Persian Gulf War Vets – 24Hour Excretion Decay Analysis

Duraković, A.

WFNMB, Chile, 2003.


Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risk of Depleted Uranium in the Lungs of Gulf War Veterans

Duraković, A.;  Dietz, L.; Zimmerman, I.

WCLC, 2003.


Internal Contamination with Uranium Isotopes in the Civilian Population of Tora Bora, Kabul, and Jalalabad

Duraković, A.

Chicago, RSNA, 2003.


The Development of the Balanced Scorecard for Emergency Preparedness

Klimaschewski, F.; Duraković, A.

6th International Union for Health Promotion and Education (IUHPE), 2003.


The Quantitative Analysis of Uranium Isotopes in the Urine of Civilians after Operation Enduring Freedom in Jalalabad

Duraković, A.

Health Physics Society (HPS), 2003.


Undiagnosed Illnesses and Radioactive Warfare

Duraković, A.

Croatian Medical Journal (CMJ), 2003.


Uranium Isotopes Concentration and Ratios in the Urine of the Civilian Population of Southeastern Afghanistan

Duraković, A.

European Association of Nuclear Medicine (EANM), Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2003.




 CBRN Warfare

Duraković, A.

GCC, Qatar, 2002.


Depleted Uranium Concentraion in the Lungs of Allied Forces’ Gulf War Veterans at the Time of Exposure

Duraković, A.

CSNM, Opatija, Croatia, , 2002.


Depleted Uranium Concentraion in the Lungs of Allied Forces’ Gulf War Veterans at the Time of Exposure

Duraković, A.

Santiago, Chile, 2002.


New Concepts in CBRN Warfare in the Light of the Gulf War Experience and Current Reality of Global Terrorism

Asaf Duraković

DOHA, 2002.


The Decade of Depleted Uranium

Duraković, A.; Horan, A.; Dietz, L. , 2002.




Quantitative Analysis of Uranium Isotopes in British, Canadian, and United States Gulf War Veterans,

Duraković, A.

European Association of Nuclear Medicine (EANM), Paris, France, 2001.


The Decade of Depleted Uranium,

Duraković, A.

RSNA, Chicago, USA, 2001.


The Decade of Depleted Uranium,

Duraković, A.

Royal Society, London, UK, 2001.


Chemical Forensic Detective Work: The search for depleted uranium in biological and environmental samples

Horan, P.; Duraković, A.

Biological Association of Canada, Joint Annual Meeting, St. John’s Newfoundland, Canada, Abstract No. 266, p. 65, May 31, 2001.





Quantitative Analysis of Uranium Isotopes in British, Canadian, and United States Gulf War Veterans,

Duraković, A.

AESC, Brussels, Belgium, 2000.



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